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Zoom Dysmorphia? It’s a Thing!

I was recently watching the Today Show when a story caught my attention. Apparently, spending so much time on video calls, like Zoom, during the pandemic has created this new phenomenon being called "Zoom Dysmorphia."

What? Oh my gosh, like we all don’t have enough to worry about these days!

So, doctors are now reporting a rise in cosmetic surgery requests as people are forced to spend more time on camera for business meetings. While many of us may like the fact that we can work remote, from anywhere, and simply log onto a video call to see our clients or customers in person, it’s hurting others. Many describe picking themselves apart as they see themselves on the video screen. AND… not to mention, if you haven’t designed a good space and set up for your video calls, it’s going to hurt worse.

Check out these two stories that will alarm and sadden you all at once. My heart was broken in reading some of this. We, women especially, beat ourselves up when it’s just not necessary. We become our own worst enemy when we should love ourselves. God made you a perfect creature in His eyes. Embrace that.

So before you go out to get surgery to correct something that likely only bothers you, check out my tips for looking your best on video calls – The Do’s and Don’ts of Virtual Meetings.

These are simple, quick fix ways to look and feel better about your video meetings that you can do TODAY! And, remember to be kind to yourself. Perfection does not equal beauty.

Stories on Zoom Dysmorphia:

Well, that's all I have for now!

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