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All You Need is Love…

With Valentine’s Day approaching, love is in the air. And for many, the pursuit to find love and happiness. Are you on a mission to find your soulmate—someone who loves and cares for you unconditionally, who understands your needs, knows you inside and out and promises to stand next to you in good times and bad?

Well, until you find your other half, let’s not forget to appreciate the love and support of our close friend(s). While you’re looking for your soulmate, don’t overlook the special relationships in your life. I like to call them “Soul Friends.” I’ve had the privilege of knowing so many incredible people in my life and I realize the value of what those “Soul Friends” have added to my own personal journey. So, until you meet your soulmate, the truth is, spending time with your friends is often a fabulous choice.

So now there’s an unofficial day, February 13, Galentine's Day, for "ladies celebrating ladies." Businesses such as Sprinkles Cupcakes, Lyft, Shari's Berries, and Target started promoting this holiday in 2017, with Target even selling Galentine's Day themed products.

Many credit Amy Poehler’s character in Parks and Recreation TV sitcom, for coining the day.

“Oh, it’s only the best day of the year. Every February 13th, my lady friends and I leave our husbands and our boyfriends at home, and we just come and kick it, breakfast-style. Ladies celebrating ladies. It’s like Lilith Fair, minus the angst. Plus, frittatas” - Leslie Knope, Parks and Recreation

So, here are just a few easy ways you can spend Galentine’s Day/Weekend with your friends:

  • Brunch: Find a cute brunch spot and celebrate with your friends! We like to take games with us – like Yahtzee or playing cards for Gin Rummy. We get together, have brunch, mimosas and play games in the afternoon while we catch up.

  • Spa Day: You can either make a group reservation at a local spa or even host your own spa day at home for your friends. Complete with snacks, face masks, hand and foot scrubs, and cucumber water will leave your “Soul Friends” relaxed and renewed.

  • Game Night: I love game night! Pick a night to host your friends over for a game night. Have them bring their favorite cards or board game and enjoy each other’s company. If you choose, you can always add in some Karaoke as well. If your friends are like mine, there’s guaranteed laughter.

  • Wine / Brewery Tasting: Who doesn’t love visiting a local winery or brewery. Set up your group to visit your favorite winery or host your own wine tasting at your home. You can have your friends bring their favorite bottle of wine and set up stations to taste test.

  • Movie Marathon: Have your friends over to watch your favorite movies! Pick a movie genre or a television series and play the shows back-to-back. Enjoy with some popcorn, wine and chocolate. If you want to experience the theater, then have lunch/dinner before or after the movie to make time to catch up.

  • Some Puppy-Love: You can always invite your friends to join you at a local animal shelter to help walk the pups and show them a little love. You never know, someone may walk out with a new love of their own by adopting a dog in need. If all your friends have their own pups, then find a local dog park and have your friends pack a picnic lunch to enjoy while the pups play together.

  • Staycation with Your Pals: You don't have to spend the holiday at home. If you're adventurous, plan a day trip with your pals instead or pick out a new chic’ hotel you want to try and make a reservation. Many of these hotels have indoor pools, hot tubs, steam rooms, etc. Before you check in to the hotel, area ski lodge, or resort, try going for a hike or exploring a nearby small town you've been meaning to hit.

I hope you’ll cherish the relationships you have in your friends and family members that truly love and embrace the real you. Remember that friend that takes your late-night phone calls when your heart is broken? What about the friend that took you to your favorite spa for a day of relaxation just to cheer you up? Or the friend that picked you up from the doctor after you had all your wisdom teeth pulled and could barely speak? The one that rescued you when your car broke down on the interstate? Or how about the pal who stayed the night with you when you couldn’t be alone?

This Galentine’s Day, let your friends know what they’ve meant to you and how much you appreciate their unconditional love, support and guidance. All we need is love.

Well, that’s all I have for now!

Happy Galentine’s Day to you all!


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